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REVOKE Statement

Revokes privileges from users or roles.


Revoking privileges from users

Revoking roles from users


To revoke some privilege you can use a privilege of a wider scope than you plan to revoke. For example, if a user has the SELECT (x,y) privilege, administrator can execute REVOKE SELECT(x,y) ..., or REVOKE SELECT * ..., or even REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ... query to revoke this privilege.

Partial Revokes

You can revoke a part of a privilege. For example, if a user has the SELECT *.* privilege you can revoke from it a privilege to read data from some table or a database.


Grant the john user account with a privilege to select from all the databases, excepting the accounts one:

Grant the mira user account with a privilege to select from all the columns of the accounts.staff table, excepting the wage one.

Original article