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In this format, all data is represented as a single JSON Object, with each row represented as a separate field of this object similar to the JSONEachRow format.

Example Usage

Basic Example

Given some JSON:

To use an object name as a column value you can use the special setting format_json_object_each_row_column_for_object_name. The value of this setting is set to the name of a column, that is used as JSON key for a row in the resulting object.


Let's say we have the table test with two columns:

Let's output it in the JSONObjectEachRow format and use the format_json_object_each_row_column_for_object_name setting:


Let's say we stored the output from the previous example in a file named data.json:

It also works for schema inference:

Inserting Data

ClickHouse allows:

  • Any order of key-value pairs in the object.
  • Omitting some values.

ClickHouse ignores spaces between elements and commas after the objects. You can pass all the objects in one line. You do not have to separate them with line breaks.

Omitted values processing

ClickHouse substitutes omitted values with the default values for the corresponding data types.

If DEFAULT expr is specified, ClickHouse uses different substitution rules depending on the input_format_defaults_for_omitted_fields setting.

Consider the following table:

  • If input_format_defaults_for_omitted_fields = 0, then the default value for x and a equals 0 (as the default value for the UInt32 data type).
  • If input_format_defaults_for_omitted_fields = 1, then the default value for x equals 0, but the default value of a equals x * 2.

When inserting data with input_format_defaults_for_omitted_fields = 1, ClickHouse consumes more computational resources, compared to insertion with input_format_defaults_for_omitted_fields = 0.

Selecting Data

Consider the UserActivity table as an example:

The query SELECT * FROM UserActivity FORMAT JSONEachRow returns:

Unlike the JSON format, there is no substitution of invalid UTF-8 sequences. Values are escaped in the same way as for JSON.


Any set of bytes can be output in the strings. Use the JSONEachRow format if you are sure that the data in the table can be formatted as JSON without losing any information.

Usage of Nested Structures

If you have a table with the Nested data type columns, you can insert JSON data with the same structure. Enable this feature with the input_format_import_nested_json setting.

For example, consider the following table:

As you can see in the Nested data type description, ClickHouse treats each component of the nested structure as a separate column (n.s and n.i for our table). You can insert data in the following way:

To insert data as a hierarchical JSON object, set input_format_import_nested_json=1.

Without this setting, ClickHouse throws an exception.

Format Settings

input_format_import_nested_jsonmap nested JSON data to nested tables (it works for JSONEachRow format).false
input_format_json_read_bools_as_numbersallow to parse bools as numbers in JSON input formats.true
input_format_json_read_bools_as_stringsallow to parse bools as strings in JSON input formats.true
input_format_json_read_numbers_as_stringsallow to parse numbers as strings in JSON input formats.true
input_format_json_read_arrays_as_stringsallow to parse JSON arrays as strings in JSON input formats.true
input_format_json_read_objects_as_stringsallow to parse JSON objects as strings in JSON input formats.true
input_format_json_named_tuples_as_objectsparse named tuple columns as JSON objects.true
input_format_json_try_infer_numbers_from_stringstry to infer numbers from string fields while schema inference.false
input_format_json_try_infer_named_tuples_from_objectstry to infer named tuple from JSON objects during schema inference.true
input_format_json_infer_incomplete_types_as_stringsuse type String for keys that contains only Nulls or empty objects/arrays during schema inference in JSON input formats.true
input_format_json_defaults_for_missing_elements_in_named_tupleinsert default values for missing elements in JSON object while parsing named tuple.true
input_format_json_ignore_unknown_keys_in_named_tupleignore unknown keys in json object for named tuples.false
input_format_json_compact_allow_variable_number_of_columnsallow variable number of columns in JSONCompact/JSONCompactEachRow format, ignore extra columns and use default values on missing columns.false
input_format_json_throw_on_bad_escape_sequencethrow an exception if JSON string contains bad escape sequence. If disabled, bad escape sequences will remain as is in the data.true
input_format_json_empty_as_defaulttreat empty fields in JSON input as default values.false.For complex default expressions input_format_defaults_for_omitted_fields must be enabled too.
output_format_json_quote_64bit_integerscontrols quoting of 64-bit integers in JSON output format.true
output_format_json_quote_64bit_floatscontrols quoting of 64-bit floats in JSON output format.false
output_format_json_quote_denormalsenables '+nan', '-nan', '+inf', '-inf' outputs in JSON output format.false
output_format_json_quote_decimalscontrols quoting of decimals in JSON output format.false
output_format_json_escape_forward_slashescontrols escaping forward slashes for string outputs in JSON output format.true
output_format_json_named_tuples_as_objectsserialize named tuple columns as JSON objects.true
output_format_json_array_of_rowsoutput a JSON array of all rows in JSONEachRow(Compact) format.false
output_format_json_validate_utf8enables validation of UTF-8 sequences in JSON output formats (note that it doesn't impact formats JSON/JSONCompact/JSONColumnsWithMetadata, they always validate utf8).false